We designed the ICMSA as part of a collaboration with another web designer however as part of that, iBrutes were asked to then manage and maintain the site on an ongoing basis.

We are very proud to work with the ICMSA as a very reputable farming organisation across Ireland. After continuing our relationship, we then created a Milk Tracker.

“ICMSA has launched the first ‘interactive’ monthly milk price comparison tool that allows dairy farmers to input their individual milk volumes, constituents and quality results and see – at the touch of a button – what they would have been paid for the same supply by every other milk processor in Ireland.”

A great tool for members to view financial information and output.

The ICMSA have been a client now for over 2 years going strong and we look forward to working with them into the future.

About ICMSA (Extract)
The ICMSA, the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, represents all farmers—particularly dairy and livestock farmers—by lobbying at local, national and EU levels. It places special emphasis on preserving the family farm structure and defending the rights and incomes of farm families.



