iBrutes Facebook Promotion

“Make Facebook promotion our business”

At iBrutes, we not only do websites but we also manage social media too and in particular Facebook promotion. We have a number of clients that we actively manage their Facebook profiles in order to promote each respective business to wider audiences. We work hard on each client’s social media in conjunction with managing their website and SEO for ultimate exposure.

Through active promotion of each business with events, sales, discounts, product ranges, informative and engaging material, it is certain that business will increase significantly. Facebook is your informal promotional tool where we can interact with existing and potential customers and develop a closer relationship with them.

Facebook insights

For example, we have clients that are in both the Restaurant and Beauty Trade. iBrutes do multiple weekly promotional posts on each businesses Facebook business profile and significantly increase reach, likes and engagement.

Facebook Insights

As we actively manage each business owners Facebook page and Website, we gradually learn more and more about our clients. We work closely with each client on a day to day basis meaning that each business grows through collaboration.

Promotion of Restaurant

This is the philosophy at iBrutes, we grow with you. Promotion is a long-term goal that can not be done instantly or by throwing money at it. We feel that through partnerships with businesses is vital in creating successful promotion campaigns and engaging our customers with their clients.

We provide professional material such as videos, photography, graphics and textual content so people see our clients in their best possible light. The reason we take our client’s social media seriously is that most of our clients do not have the time to be spending on Facebook nor should they, they have businesses to run after all.

Online promotion is ever more increasingly important in today’s market and having an overall strategy through Facebook, Instagram, Google, Website promotion, video etc will help your business get the exposure it needs.

Page Promotions

So how much are you willing to spend on traditional advertising and what return do you get, or can you measure that? With Facebook, you know your the reach or people seeing your promotions- As above, we spent €10 for one client and it reached nearly 3,700 people with 720 that actually spent time looking at the promotion. We also promoted the page and gained 360 brand new likes which equates to €.42 per customer who will continuously see your posts on an ongoing basis without having to pay for further promotions. To put this in perspective, how much do you think a local newspaper half-page ad would be? In Galway, it is in the region of €800, 1 Day, and is unmeasurable the return on investment. Go figure!!

If you are looking to increase your reach, get liked and create a campaign to promote your business through Social Media, contact iBrutes Social Media Management Team.

